Compelling benefits of Ashwagandha

In addition to powerful stress and anxiety control, this herb offers several other health and wellness benefits. Perhaps the most compelling is its immunity-building effects, which is still a common use for the herb in modern ayurvedic medicine.

One recent study showed that its natural immune-boosting properties were particularly enhanced when consuming the herb with cow's milk. In particular, higher counts of critical white blood cells such as T cells and Natural Killer classes of white blood cells were noted. These cells are critical in fighting off common illnesses but also play a major role in combating cancerous or mutated cells.

So not only can ashwagandha boost your overall immunity, but it also has the potential to be a serious anti-cancer agent. It is being studied as a natural remedy for various types of cancer as well as a complimentary medicine for pairing with more traditional (and unfortunately toxic) western medicine cancer treatments.

Studies have shown the herb inhibits the growth of various types of cancer cells in a lab although further human tests are necessary. The reproduction of breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer cells was slowed or stopped in lab tests.

In addition, ashwagandha appears to inhibit the growth of supporting blood vessels which supply cancer cells with oxygen and other nutrients to feed on. This means it slows or inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors which begin to thrive and multiply based on this network of supportive blood vessels.

The herb is also being studied as a potential natural remedy for diseases associated with the degeneration of nerve pathways and brain function such as Alzheimer's, dementia and Parkinson's disease. This is because it has demonstrated an ability to promote the growth of nerve cells.