Our immune systems play a critical role in our health and energy each day. Outside factors can affect how our immune system functions and can lead to a weakened immune response. As a nutritional supplement company, Nutrivein is committed to helping people achieve their maximum potential by providing immune boosters and health supplements that aid in maintaining a healthy immune system. Read on to learn about four facts that may be affecting your immune system.
We can become more susceptible to infections and illnesses when we have significant stress in our lives, according to Cleveland Clinic. When our bodies release stress hormones our immune system will suppress and weaken the response, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections.
Lack of Sleep
We all live busy lives and sleep never seems to fit in with our schedules. But sleep is a vital participant in having a properly functioning immune system. According to the Mayo Clinic, the body becomes more susceptible to infection when we become sleep deprived. On top of sleep deprivation, lack of rest can increase stress levels leading to more restless nights.
Poor Nutrition
A healthy immune system and a healthy diet go hand in hand. When we have poor nutrition, it can lead to various deficiencies, which can compromise the immune system, according to Harvard University. Nutrivein offers several natural supplements for both men and women to get their complete daily vitamins.
According to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, drinking alcohol consistently has been known to suppress our immune systems. This can make it harder to fight off viruses and diseases. Limit the amount of alcohol you have each week to help strengthen your immune system.

There are multiple outside factors that can affect your immune system and make it harder to fight off infections and viruses. Natural supplements from Nutrivein can help to support a healthy immune system and promote overall well-being. Our supplement company is committed to creating premium quality nutritional supplements using safe, natural, and quality ingredients that you can trust. Shop our collection today and restore your immune health.